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교육 어플 베스트 20 - 크롬 브라우저용

by 리치샘 2014. 7. 24.
구글 크롬 브라우저에서 실행되는 어플입니다.
링크를 클릭하면 어플을 설치할 수 있습니다.

Best Chrome Apps

07/22 to 07/23

Top 20 Education Apps

1Socrative Teacher

104% Growth

소크래티브 교사용
Socrative Teacher Chrome App

739 Users

2Unit Converter - Chemistry Tools

104% Growth

단위 변환기
Unit converter is free interactive app for converting and exploring units

650 Users

3uText - Assam Don Bosco University

104% Growth

클라우드 기반의 전자책 배달 플랫폼
학생 커뮤니티용
uText is an cloud based ebook delivery platform designed for the Student Community.

727 Users


103% Growth

쉬운 시험 출제, 결과 도출
Easily Create Online Exams. Results graded instantly and accurately. No more grading papers!

1,081 Users

5Underwater Games - Into The Deep

103% Growth

매혹적인 수중 세계
See how fascinating the world of underwater nature can be.

575 Users


103% Growth

K-12 수학, 언어 기술
Engaging, adaptive K-12 math and language arts practice. Discover the joy of learning with IXL!

2,933 Users

7Area of a Triangle

103% Growth

삼각형 면적 구하기
Compute area of triange give base and height of triangle or all three sides of triangle. Also computes side of triangle given ot

892 Users

8Jr's Proxy

103% Growth

막아놓은 사이트 뚫기
Are you tired of MHS blocking websites? Well now there is a solution to this problem. Jr"s Proxy is an app that unblocks websit

1,431 Users


103% Growth

3D 콤파스
Teach Geometry using 3D realistic Straight Edge, Compass, Protractor, Set Square and Pencil

781 Users

10ABA English - Level Test

103% Growth

영어 수준 체크하기
Check your English level

1,442 Users


103% Growth

Language Translation helps you translate text to a language of your choice, try a non English text as well!

3,997 Users

12Gospel Puzzles 123 Game

103% Growth

어린이를 위한 수와 셈 공부용 퍼즐
Gospel Puzzles 123 App is teaching kids basics about numbers and counting.

534 Users

13The Mathist

103% Growth

수학 노트 작성
Write math notes, the smarter way! Save in the cloud, compute and share on every device!

2,843 Users


103% Growth

웹페이지 정보 수집 및 색인화
Virtual extemp box and index. Auto-updates. Offline optimized.

673 Users

15Daylight Map & Time Zone

103% Growth

세계 일광시간대, 현재 시간
Shows the extent of day and night around the world. World Clock shows current local time in countries in all time zones.

1,439 Users

16Sycamore Education

103% Growth

웹 기반의 학생 정보 및 학교 관리시스템
Sycamore Education is a web-based student information system and school management system

545 Users


103% Growth

읽기 쓰기 개인 지도(온라인)
KidBiz3000® for grades 2-5 ? engaging, differentiated online reading and writing instruction as individual as young learners are

5,693 Users

18Temple Timeline

103% Growth

유대교 사원 탐방
Explore the history of the Holy Jewish Temple in unique and entertaining way

559 Users

19Scoot & Doodle

103% Growth

실시간 그리기, 놀기, 생각하기, 문제 해결
Draw. Play. Ideate. Problem-solve. All in real-time.

1,005 Users


103% Growth

전기과 학생을 위한 질문지, 미니프로젝트, 실험실 매뉴얼 등
Free access to Question bank, 2-maks, Question papers, Mini projects, Lab manuals etc., for EEE students.

645 Users

소크래티브 교사용